Alita’s Podcast:

10 Seconds To Air

What goes through the minds of exceptional individuals ten seconds before a big event? As a seasoned journalist with vast experience coaching leaders on how to communicate at the highest level of their industries, Alita begins each podcast by asking her guests this simple question that inevitably leads to a provocative conversation about the art of effective and fearless communication.

From the moment we wake up, until we put our head on the pillow at night, we are communicating with everyone and everything around us. Communication is verbal, physical and visual. It is the key to success in our personal and professional lives, yet very few people take the time to learn the skills necessary to be effective. How we communicate has the power to bring about profound transformation in our lives. 

In each episode of 10 Seconds to Air, Alita interviews accomplished guests from a variety of fields who share the tools and tips that guide their communication styles both personally and professionally. Each conversation is packed with personal stories, relatable topics and tactical advice that will inspire listeners to reflect on their own communication and empower them to improve it so they can live their best lives.

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